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Windows Defender shows that this file contains a Trojan Wacatac Script. Maybe fix that?


It's because it's a new .EXE

Since it's not a released game (like steam)  until the game is downloaded a couple of times windows will show this 'warning'.

But don't worry, it's a false positive.

Same for future versions.

Please have an android port of the game ;-;

Came back to play the rest of this game and it was an amazing, blasting masterpiece, over all the final boss fight!

You choose Pentakill songs pretty well for every level and how characters skills work too

The sprites are pretty and the signs were funny to read. Also the background art is nice

I'm glad you could finish this game and I hope it gets a gameplay, walkthrough or a review someday sooner or later

Take care out there, cheers

Thank you for playing :D
Was a great experience finish this game.

I'm already happy to see other people having fun with the game, seeing a walk through would be awesome!
Maybe someday :)

this game is super awesome  gameplay and graphics wise, I loved how each sign had something related to the "Lore" specially LuLu's and Ezreal xD

I just wonder when can I play with the rest of the characters ?is it like a demo, or are they un-lockables ? 

thanks for the great game

thank you for playing, i'm glad you like it :D.
You can play with the other characters after complete the levels.
Each level has a boss and a character to play ^^

Interesting platformer. Quite challenging, but it's probably me being not good at platforming. I don't find it unresponsive, mechanics works pretty good. Only thing is I didn't immediately know I can wall jump.

Thank you for your feedback ^^. 
Now, i just finished the game, if you play again, i hope you like it :D

(1 edit)

The community of League of Legends appreciates your work.
Now u need to finish it soon.

Keep it up!!

KDA Fan Game > Client~~

Thanks bro o/

jumping is unresponsive, attacks feel like they do nothing and you get punished for falling 2 feet from a building; in a 2D platformer you shouldn't punish the player for navigating the way they want to. it's terrible design; i shouldn't feel like moving around is a chore. also the platforms are all over the place it doesn't help distinguish the area for the player, i showed this game to other people and they feel the same way.

The game is hard but I mannaged to complete Akali's story. Hope you finish making the game because it was pretty neat and I remembered my old good times playing Ninja Gaiden on the NES.


NES is one of my inspirations. I'm already doing the complete Saga od the game, i'll be updating very soon =)
Thanks for playing, the difficulty will be progressive with increasing amount of levels xD.

Que jogo FODA!!! só isso que tenho a falar !

Vlw man, fico feliz que tenha gostado :D!

queria jogar mas achei muito pesado para baixar aqui. 
adoro suas stream

n da nem 8mb :O...
+ vlw xD... devo jogar na stream de hoje, pelo menos da pra ver rs :)

Jogo muito bom, acompanhei a saga inteira dele sendo criado pela twitch, além de ser um ótimo streamer, faz ótimo jogos também!

Parabéns pelo jogo, 10/10 !

Vlw man xD.
Fico feliz que tenha se divertido jogando :)