Demake of the game Nier in Pixel art with original music and sound effects.
(Play in fullscreen to avoid page scrolling)
Do not judge the game by its cover, i just tryied to represent how the visual of the main character was explored in the original game.
It was a lot of fun to create it, and I hope you guys have the same fun playing ^^.
PS1: I made the sounds with my mouth XD!
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This was neat, but it's got some jank to it. Could use a bit more QoL before anything more comes of it.
Nice ,also in android
Very nice! Do you intend to make the game available for download?
pretty game :3
Starting out seems fun, unable to make it past 38 seconds as I play WASD/Mouse. If there is ever support added for WASD to move Left/Right Up/Down using those, I would be happy to play again.
Ok this is brilliant idea. The sound effect are cool and funny.
@Kitsu Same happened to me but after a while the boss disapeared. Currently my character is still Walking and Nothing happens xD
its a trigger that i used to test the boss, its located on the left of the map :\
Acompanhei boa parte do desenvolvimento... parabéns pelo produto final!!!
Vlw man que bom que gostou o/
Real nice!
Though i think i mightve run into a bug? The boss spawned almost immediately after the second section started, and then after i killed all the smaller enemies, the player character just walked to the right and wouldn't do anything else; meanwhile, the boss was there, shooting me lol
I was using a trigger on the left to test the boss mechanics and i forget it to remove before post :\. just dont walk to the left before kill the smallest enemies xD
Had the same thing happen. Don't kill that last tiny robot I guess!
I am taking damage through my sword.
This is really impressive, I've been playing nier a lot lately and this was so awesome to play through. Well done!
Thank you digaly, i didn't play nier yet but i love the visual styles.
This is... wait for it..... legendary!!!!
thank you
Great graphics and the sfx is hilarious! Well done!
Thanks o/, i put a lot of efforts in the sfx.
10/10 <3
gentle of you >w<
OMG nice game jesus christ
Thanks Mike